Citius, Altius, Fortius

Faster, higher, stronger

The Story
















  • 国内外イベントの企画・推進・運営・広報戦略立案
  • インバウンド事業推進(日英翻訳・通訳含む)
  • ビジネス・メディアプロデュースおよびコーディネーション
  • スポーツ関連事業マネジメント・推進

 “Sport has the power to change the world and our future.” 

Under the Games Vision, Adventurous was founded while Yuko was in Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee as a member of the Spectator Experience Team.


Adventurous maximises the use of resources to realise the full potential of our clients' projects and events in today’s world of highly sought after personal engagement.


We focus on enhancement of opportunities to spread the vision of Tokyo 2020 to the world, for events and projects utilising the engagement strategy of our clients in Japan and overseas. We design the entire journey and resolve any issues for an experience that is both inspiring and enduring.  


We launch, plan, promote and manage new events and projects jointly utilising the concepts and themes of the client. By design we create a unique, exciting, seamless customer experience.


We also provide individual participants such as artists, athletes and organisations with insights and opportunities to develop their craft both in and out of Japan.


Adventurous supports clients leveraging the founders’ combined experience and specialisations in:

  • Planning, promotion and operation of international events including public relations strategy
  • Inbound business promotion (including Japanese-English translation and interpreting)
  • Business and media production and coordination
  • Sports-related business management and promotion


櫻井優子 (Yuko SAKURAI)


 「スポーツには世界と未来を変える力がある」ー 東京 2020 大会で掲げられたこのビジョンが、大会を経てさらなる価値を持ちながら世界に広がり、



2017年より東京2020オリンピック・パラリンピック組織委員会 に加わる。広報局 観客の経験課、エンゲージメント&プランニングチームに所属。

ロンドン大会でメジャーとなった観客の経験課 = Spectator Experienceでは『Tokyo 2020 Let’s 55』プロジェクトを立ち上げ、東京2020大会のオフィシャル競技体験プログラムとしてブランド化する。事前のエンゲージメントイベントの実施、デジタルコンテンツの制作、大会中のステークホルダーへのプロモーション機会の提供などを事業化し、過去大会に前例のない形で展開させた。観客の経験の最大化をミッションにしながら、大会に関わる様々なステークホルダーを繋ぎ、必要なリソースや相互ニーズを最大限に活用したプロジェクトとして高い評価を得る。このプロジェクトモデルは、今後のスポーツビジネスの発展に繋がることを確信している。


エンゲージメント&プランニングチームでは、東京2020聖火リレーにおけるポジティブなメディア露出の最大化をミッションに 5カ月間にわたる聖火リレー全国ツアーにおいて、関係自治体、ステークホルダーとの広報全般コーディネート、現場マネージメントを行う。全国各地の現場を巡りながら、大会はアスリートやチケットホルダーだけのものではない。大会を取り巻く地域や人々をどうエンゲージメントするのかも大きな課題であり、いかにコンセプトを持って取り組むかで大会の価値が大きく変わることにあらためて気付かされる。『大会×ローカルエンゲージメント』によって、大会を通して感動とともに記憶に残る経験を各地で創り出し、スポーツがもつより良い社会へと導く影響力と可能性を広く伝えることもこれからのミッションと考えている。 


米国の大学で運動理化学 BS を修了。卒業後は大手スポーツクラブに就職。インストラクター事業、プログラムプロデュース、イベント事業などを担当。独立後は Mom & Kids 向けヨガプログラムなどの教育プログラムのプロデュース、出版事業、キッズバイクの営業企画としてキャンペーンのプランニング&オペレーション、サイト制作、イベントマネージメントなどを手掛ける。


全てのプロジェクトにおいて、“こと” を通して環境や取り巻く人々に “つながり” を創出し “自分ごと化” させることで生涯の記憶に残る体験を創り出すことをモットーとする。



"Sport has the power to change the world and our future” ー  Yuko believes the Games Vision for Tokyo 2020 has grown, and will continue to develop new values of sports worldwide.

Since joining the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee in 2017, Yuko has worked for the Spectator Experience Team, as well as for the Engagement and Planning Team of Communication and Engagement Bureau. 


Leading the “Tokyo 2020 Let’s 55” project, she launched and made it to be a new brand of the Games’ official sports initiation programme. 


She has contributed to delivering engagement events, creating digital content, providing the Games Stakeholders promotional opportunities, and establishing the a brand new project model to the Olympic and Paralympic Games. It gained a prominent reputation as a project, as it connected various Games Stakeholders, and utilised their mutual requirements and resources, under the mission of optimising spectators’ experiences. Yuko is certain that this new project model can lead the development of the future sports businesses.


In the Engagement & Planning Team, she coordinated public relations with local governments and stakeholders, and managed the event sites during the five-month national tour of the Olympic and Paralympic Torch Relays, successfully maximising positive media exposure. Her experience of going around sites all over the country reminded her that the Olympic and Paralympic Games are not just for athletes and ticket holders ー they are just as important to regional partners and all kinds of people surrounding the Games. Also, that the value of the Games changes significantly depending on whether it is planned with clear and solid concepts.


Yuko believes that her forthcoming mission is to create inspirational and memorable experiences in various places through events, and to widely distribute the positive impact and possibilities of what sports can bring, in order to lead it  to a better society through the "Games x Local Engagement" concept. 


Yuko has a degree in exercise science BS from an American college. She has worked at a major sports club company after graduation, in charge of projects involving instructors, producing programmes, and event production. After launching her own businesses, Yuko produced educational programmes such as of yoga for mothers and children, and was also involved in publishing. She has also worked with a children’s bicycle manufacturer for sales and promotions, and overlooked the campaign planning, business operations, digital contents development, and event management.


Yuko’s motto is to "Create experiences that will be remembered for a lifetime" in all projects she joins, by engaging the people through “things” and creating experiences that attract as broad a spectrum of people as possible, while creating inspiring opportunities for the individual.